Section Updated
May 23, 2022

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Conrail Historical Society


Trailvan Trailer Photos

Conrail's Trailvan service was their original intermodal service for North America. Until the early 1990's, Trailvan trailers could be found on nearly every intermodal train in the nation.

Photos | Prototype Information

Conrail Mercury

Mercury Trailer Photos

In 1989, Conrail began their Mercury intermodal service specializing in door-to-door and customized service for the United States Postal Service using dedicated trailers and containers.

Photos | Prototype Information

Well/Spine Cars

Conrail Well & Spine Car Photos

Though Conrail never owned a large fleet of intermodal cars, they did have an interesting collection. Some of the equipment was original, while other equipment was second hand.



Conrail Predecessor Trailer Photos

Though they did not last long on Conrail once Trailvan service began, intermodal equipment from predecessor railroads like Penn Central, Erie Lackawanna, and others survived in service on the railroad, as seen in this gallery of assorted intermodal equipment.
